Fucking talent man.
Fucking talent man.
Thx Luke. May the force be with you.
Love the art, and was funny, great job! :D
Thanks, glad you liked it! :D
It makes me smile and looks great, but why havent they become magneton yet, cmon man, get your facts straight!
It looks really cool, it reminds me heavily of Dave Mckeans art in the comic "Arkham Asylum" by grant morrison. I would recommend checking it out, if not just to see the art. Anyways, good job!!
I love the color pallet you used for shading the armor!
I have no way of improving on this piece, I just wanted to rate it five stars! Good job :D
Thank you! :)
Aside from how awesome this style is, one thing that really popped out to me as looking cool were the scratches on the ax. It looks great!
It looks stunning, I love the geometric patterns you used to emulate the glow!
MUy bien. Reminds me of sonex the hedgehog :D
I like the little guys tiny peen hanging down. Good quality, oney would be proud.
I like music, I like art, I'm just throwing any shit I make on this website. :D
Age 29
USA, Annapolis MD
Joined on 11/26/15